What is Cushing syndrome?

Cushing syndrome is also known as hypercortisolism

It is a serious condition that occurs when your body produces too much cortisol over a long period of time. Hypercortisolism is the medical term for this condition.

What is cortisol?

You may have heard cortisol referred to as the “stress hormone.” It helps regulate several body functions, including:

Blood sugar levels

An icon of two arrows going around in a circle with two gears in the center to represent someone's metabolism

Blood pressure

An icon of a weight scale to represent salt and water balance
Salt and water balance

Mood and memory

An icon of a shield with a cross in the middle to represent the immune system
Immune system

An icon of a head with a sweat droplet falling to represent stress

Blood sugar levels

Blood pressure

Mood and memory



Salt and water balance

Immune system

Why is excess cortisol harmful to your body?

Your body has a natural rhythm when it comes to making cortisol.

An icon of a sun behind a cloud to represent having more cortisol in the morning
More in the morning

An icon of a moon to represent having less cortisol at night
Less at night

Persistent excess cortisol production disrupts the body’s natural rhythm, which can lead to a variety of health issues, like:

  • High blood sugar

  • High blood pressure

  • Depression

  • Weight gain

Types of Cushing syndrome

Cushing syndrome can be classified based on the source of excess cortisol:

  • Endogenous Cushing syndrome is when the source of excess cortisol is inside your body, often from a tumor (or nodule)

  • Exogenous Cushing syndrome is when the source of excess cortisol is outside your body, often from a medication containing steroids, such as prednisone

A chart showing the three types of endogenous Cushing syndrome someone can have
An icon of a magnifying glass

Diagnosing Cushing syndrome
Learn about tests that measure cortisol levels and help with diagnosing Cushing syndrome.

Learn about testing for Cushing syndrome